Newsroom Design Internship at The Washington Post
Currently, I am wrapping up a newsroom design internship at The Washington Post. Having become an active member of the award-winning design team, I work across a wide array of mediums to meet the demands of the newsroom.
I design posts for The Washington Post's Instagram accounts, lay out print newspaper pages, and code interactive web pages for stories. I create quick-turn illustrations and photo collages to accompany stories and art direct freelance illustrators, providing them with feedback and critique to ensure high-quality visuals.

Design, layout, and programming using HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and React for enhanced storytelling. Using visuals from The Washington Post's visit to the largest optical fiber facility in the US, the article explains how fiber optic cables are made. Instagram carousel design for the social media version of the piece (below).
Story by Eva Dou. Videography by Jhaan Elker. Photography by Travis Dove.

Instagram Carousel Design

Style: Abercrombie Polo︎︎︎

Style: The Pimple Patch︎︎︎
Style: PowerPoint︎︎︎